And God give me the strength. I have made a monumental decision to stop smoking. Smoking has been a daily part of my life for a long time, so it is a little daunting. All of the reasons to quit are obvious. Before I get to that list though, I'm going to tell you why I smoke. I started as a teenager and at the time, I totally thought it was cool. I am over the cool factor now, but now have an addiction.
Believe it or not, smoking can have a bonding effect with people. I know that when I go to a bar or restaurant, while I am outside smoking there will definitely be some smoking buddies there. I have had some good conversations with these fellow "buttheads".
Cigarettes are also my friends. They are a comfort to me. When I am sad, bored, tired, stressed...They are always there for me, more so than some other things in my life. They are reliable.
There is also a momentary gratification from smoking. I feel a need, I smoke a cigarette and then I have a feeling of a hunger being satisfied. I know I know... That is my addiction being fed.
So there is that list. I'm sure this one will be a little longer!
Smoking is stinky. I hate the smell of my clothes, my hair and my car after smoking. And yes there are times when my breath literally does smell like an ashtray. Gross.
The health risks are just not worth it. I actually purchase a product that has a warning on it with what the serious health risks are. Then I proceed to open up that product, light it and inhale smoke. Umm...why did I start this again?? Any smoker that tells you that they are unconcerned with developing some terrible disease from smoking is lying. We all know the real risks and that we could die from this habit someday. My excuse? I always thought that it would take years of smoking and that I would quit long before I could get sick. Now I am 14 years into the habit and it is time to stop. My health is at risk.
Smoking makes me antisocial with the people who matter. I may meet new friends while outside a bar smoking, but why would I worry about them? There are really few smokers left that I know. It is not so cool to be at a bar, restaurant or party and in the middle of a conversation saying "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go smoke real quick." It's kind of rude, now that I think about it. I have one sister who still smokes and a couple of friends. They are not friends that I see often though. The people that I hang out with the most are all nonsmokers.
Bad weather. Wow, we smokers are committed people. 30 degrees in February? You bet your ass I'll be outside smoking! Is it fun? Not really. Do I do it? Yes. Do I know why? Not really. Rainy day? The car window is cracked and my one arm, one leg and car door are soaked.
Sickness. When I get a cold or a cough, it lasts a hell of a lot longer than the average person's cold.
Getting harrased by people. "You know that isn't good for you." "You're going to get cancer." "God I wish you would stop." What else can I say besides "I know I know". That is what I have been saying for some time now, followed by "I'll quit". I usually try to hide smoking from kids, particularly my nieces and nephews. Well, I was not so subtle one time and my four year old nephew looks at me and says "I want a candle too". Ouch.
Most of all, I want to quit for my darling husband and my family. My husband is a non-smoker, who will look me right in the eye and say "I love you and want you to be with me for a long time". He really means it too. As grossed out as I get by smoking, I cannot imagine how he hugs and kisses someone who smells like cigarettes. He has put up with it for a long time, so I hope I am strong enough to do this for him and myself. Keep your fingers crossed for me!