I did not abandon you, blog. I just took a little break during the holidays. Yep. A few weeks ago things just got really hectic. The two weeks before Christmas, Marty had finals and was studying and writing papers like mad. I, of course was typing said papers. Midweek he wasn't feeling that good. I figured it was because he wasn't sleeping all that much. Then one morning he wakes up and starts freaking out because not only does he not feel good, but he has also broken out really really badly on his face. I looked at him and then asked him to lift his shirt. There were a couple of bumps on his chest and back as well.
"Did you ever have the chicken pox?"
"I think so."
"You think so? Maybe we should ask your Mom."
"Mom, did Marty ever have the chicken pox?"
"I think so."
I was not filled with confidence by these answers, so I called the doctor. They could only see him at 12:15. He had a presentation at noon that he was not willing to miss. So I sent him to the school health center. The nurse said chicken pox definitely. The doctor named several other things, but didn't think it was chicken pox. The good doctor told him to go to the lab in the morning for blood work. During the day they just got worse. I called his older sister and asked her if he had had chicken pox and she said "No way. He never had them!" At least that mystery was solved.
Well....he woke up the next morning covered from head to toe with chicken pox. I mean every part of his body. Even the inside of his mouth and the bottom of his feet. He was so uncomfortable and I felt so bad for him. I called the lab and they said absolutely NOT to bring him in. It sounded like chicken pox and they didn't want to put the rest of the patients at risk. I had my camera in hand a couple of times, but Marty wasn't really down with that and I felt to bad to go against his wishes. Imagine it looked like this though (WITHOUT the smile of course):

It was pretty bad. I give him a ton of credit. There were not that many complaints. He had to miss two finals that he was able to make up right before Christmas. The worst part of the sickness was two weekends before Christmas though when we were supposed to get all of our Christmasing done. No Christmasing got done that weekend. So our tree got trimmed at 2:30 am on Christmas morning after we got back from my family's celebration. Needless to say that is why I have been trying to catch up on sleep and work ever since. But I'm back. Promise!!
Poor Marty! The pic is absolutely hilarious, though!!!
Glad your back. I've been going through trivia withdrawal. It's like crack!
OMG - that photo!! HIGHlarious.
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