<------ This picture appears upright on my screen. I tried to play with it for a while, but it still posts sideways. I gave up. So just turn your head. Here is my sister's submission for the radio contest Moms Gone Wild from WPLJ in New York. If you are in the area, try and give a listen. I thought she did a great job. For some reason, they do not have a live stream that I can see from their website...
Hi Scott and Todd,
I am ready to be like Britney (except I won't shave my hair off and I will keep my panties on).
My name is Karen Condo, also known as wife, mother, cook, maid, laundress, chauffeur, teacher, nurse, therapist, masseuse, referee, bus driver and all around busy woman. I am a 37 year old mother of 3 (Ashley 13, Caitlin 11, and Joey 5) and wife of 1 (Joe). My husband and I have been married for fourteen years. I guess I can't really say that I need a night away from my husband at the moment, but that is only because he has been working nights for the past two months (I guess the only way he can get on my nerves right now is by not being around). I could definately use a night away from my kids. My daughters get along great when they are not fighting. Of course, being girls and being so close in age (and having only ONE bathroom in the house), imagine how often they are not getting on each others nerves, hence the aka referee. They keep me quite busy taxiing them to cheerleading, tumbling, school, friends, and other activities. I also have Joey, who is my special little boy. Joey has cerebral palsy. He goes to school in Edison (which I drive him to every day - 1 1/2 hours round trip). Joey also has a lot of special needs. He has a trach and feeding tube (he eats nothing by mouth) and also has epilepsy. We spend a lot of time at doctor's offices and hospitals.
On top of taking care of my husband and three kids, I aslo work for a cardiology group. I have not been away overnight from my kids in over 6 years. In fact, I have not had more than 2 drinks at a time in over 6 years (hmm...maybe my panties will be in trouble at Mom's Gone Wild). I could definately use a night of no responsibilities and leave everything up to my husband for a change.
My pal, Mary Catherine (31), also happens to be my sister. She is the person who has to listen to all my bitching when I am having a bad day at home. She is also there for me and my girls when we are dealing with my sons many illnesses. We are from Somerville, New Jersey and would love to join you on the Mom's Gone Wild Bus trip. You can reach me at 908-5XX-4XXX to invite me along. Thanks, Karen "is so ready to go wild" Condo PS - As I type this my girls are fighting over a Jonas Brothers poster. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

Oooh. I owe some birthday love to my friend, Kelly. Hope you had a great day!
My friend Abbie elfed me. My niece Ashley elfed me. You should all elf someone because it is so freakin' funny to watch. Here's Kelly, Laurie, Clare and me, elfed: