I am all kinds of out of whack with the Trivia. Answers on a Monday? Unheard of. I guess I am just staying with the slacker theme.
This was just about my favorite trivia ever. This was the most participants I have ever had for Trivia Thursday. Plus, I was LOL quite a bit. Somehow, I never made a number 8. I just went from number 7 to number 9. W/E
Here are your answers:
1. BRB Be right back
2. GAL Get a life
I got some funny ones for this one, including Gassy and Lethal from Janna, Giggles and Laughs from Kat, God Awful Loser from Abbie, Guess Again Loser from Christen and Got Another Laugh from Mary
3. J/K Just kidding
4. TTYL Talk to you later
5. THX Thanks
6. LOL Laughing out loud
7. BBL Be back later
8. This is a freebie because I'm stupid.
9. WTG Way to go
Almost perfect on this one, but we got a good try with With the Girls by Kat and a hysterical White Trash Goddess from Christen. I guess being a WT Goddess beats the hell out of just being WT.
10. IDK I don't know (My BFF Rose) Kat and I both apparently love the grandma from this commercial.
11. TPTB The powers that be
Nobody got this one and I wasn't surprised. I will admit that I almost pissed my pants at the answers that were given though:
Toilet Paper Turd Burglar
Toilet Paper Toilet Bowl
That Pineapple Tastes Bountiful
To Play the Best
The Peanut the Butter
12. PPL People
Pushy Pink Lady, T???
13. NVM Never mind
14. GTG Get together or Got to go
15. AFK Away from Keyboard
Aw, F Kat I like how getting F'ed makes Kat all warm and fuzzy. Awwww.
All Effing Knight from Abbie. This makes me smiley.
16. ATM At the moment
17. IMO or IMHO In my opinion or in my honest/humble opinion
18. W/E Whatever or weekend
19. ADDY Address as in email address
A Dead Dog Yelps, T? This would be an impressive feat for the dead dog.
20. BFF Best friend forever
21. DIY Do it yourself
22. JIC Just in case
23. B/F boyfriend or best friend, I also accepted Before I forget since the slash looked like an I
24. HAGD Have a good day
Hating anyway, God Dammit from Kat. I like the anger.
Hopelessly Agitated Gold Digger from Christen. Interesting.
25. 2G2BT Too good to be true
26. IRL In real life
27. TTFN Ta ta for now
28. N/P No problem
29. Y/W You're welcome
30. TYT Take your time, but I accepted Tell you tomorrow. Theresa, I did not accept Trash Your Town, although that does sound like something a White Trash Goddess would do.
And here we go with the results.
Theresa 20/30
Megan 21/30 Megan fell prey to the mysterious number 8 and her answers were all out of whack. Sorry Megs.
Mary S 23/30
Christen 24/30
Abbie 24/30
Kat 25/30
Janna & Karen are either super smart or spend entirely too much time on the internet. They both got 27/30 and are the winners.
Since it is my game though, I get to give out special awards and I declare Kat and TT winners as well for making me practically pee my pants. My favorite answers by far were Toilet Paper Toilet Bowl and The Peanut The Butter. Very imaginative, ladies. They don't go down without a fight.
Damn! I thought I nailed that one for sure =(
Woohoo for special prizes! If I can't be right, I must be funny.
I'll take the boobie prize any day!
the peanut, the butter is my favorite.
I'm very worried that I tied with Christen. Either I spend way too much time on the interweb, too, or she sucks. I'm going to go with her sucking.
I am such a dork- but I love that I tied with Karen!
I do not suck, Abbie!!!!!! You spend too much time online!!!
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