It is once again Trivia Thursday. I will post a new set of trivia questions every Thursday. The rules are simple. Please put your answers in the comments section of the post and I will reveal the answers tomorrow. No Cheating! I trust that all of you will all use the honor system? That means you will not use Google, (or any other internet searches) or mooch off other peoples answers. Cheating is BAD. If your employer has somehow made it impossible for you to post comments (bastards), you may also email me your answers to me at MCnMarty@hotmail.com.
A conversation with a coworker yesterday about Monopoly inspired this trivia quiz. I always loved Monopoly. I wish I played it more now. I like it when it is played correctly though. None of this "get a million dollars when you land on free parking" crap. Also, when you play by the rules, the game takes a half an hour, as opposed to the 4 hour marathon games when you play by house rules. Here are some house rules I have seen played:
Roll double sixes and get $500.
Roll double ones and get one of each bill.
Land on free parking and get $500 and any tax people pay.
Giving someone immunity from rent (how is this at all fair???).
Selling back houses/hotels for full price (it's supposed to be half).
Every family has their own rules and some of them are pretty crazy.

My personal Monopoly strategy is to go for the Oranges and the Reds. I like the middle of the line real estate with a good return. They're before the Go to Jail Space, so the other players are not missing you and they're after Jail, so you get some suckers who've just been sprung. Plus there's a card that sends you right to Illinois Ave! Can't beat that. And the housing prices for the Greens and Blues are just staggering. We only get $200 every lap around the board. So I stay away from the high rent district. Anyway, let's see what you know about the game! Please feel free to also share any house rules that you know that I didn't list or just don't know. Good luck.

1. Which is not a game piece in Monopoly ?
a. Money bag
b. Dog
c. Iron
d. Airplane
2. How much does it cost to buy Boardwalk ?
a. $350
b. $400
c. $450
d. $500
3. If you own 3 railroads, how much rent do you collect when someone lands on one ?
a. $50
b. $75
c. $100
d. $150
4. How much do you have to pay to get out of Jail ?
a. $20
b. $25
c. $40
d. $50
5. How much money do you collect for passing GO ?
a. $200
b. $300
c. $400
d. $500
6. How much is Luxury Tax ?
a. 10% of assets
b. $200 or 10% of assets
c. $150
d. $75
7. In the official rules, how much money do you collect for landing on Free Parking ?
a. $500
b. $500 plus all fines collected
c. $0
d. $50 from every player
8. How many Chance spaces are on the board ?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
9. How much does it cost to buy one of the utilities ?
a. $150
b. $175
c. $200
d. $225
10. The policeman on the "Go To Jail" space has a whistle in his mouth ?
a. True
b. False
11. In the U.S. version of Monopoly, which Atlantic City street is misspelled.
a. Marvin Gardens
b. Baltic Avenue
c. Ventnor Avenue
d. Park Place
12. Which square is located between Pennsylvania Avenue and Community Chest?
a. St. James Place
b. Pennsylvania Avenue
c. Marvin Gardens
d. Oriental Avenue
13. How much does it cost to buy Ventnor Avenue?
a. $280
b. $240
c. $260
d. $220
14. What is three spaces after the “Go to Jail” space?
a. Chance
b. Community Chest
c. North Carolina Avenue
d. Pennsylvania Avenue
15. If you own Electric Company and Water Works, how much rent would you charge another play for landing on one of the properties?
a. 2 times the amount on the dice
b. 4 times the amount on the dice
c. 10 times the amount on the dice
d. 5 times the amount on the dice
16. How many properties are there on the board that can be bought from the bank, excluding railroads and utilities?
a. 22
b. 26
c. 28
d. 30
17. How much do you get from the bank if you draw the “Bank error in your favor” card?
a. $50
b. $200
c. $100
d. $250
18. How much do you get for winning second price in a beauty contest?
a. $50
b. $15
c. $10
d. $25
19. If “Your Building and Loan Matures”, how much money do you get from the bank?
a. $150
b. $50
c. $100
D. $45
20. Which of these can you not advance to when drawing the designated Chance or Community Chest cards?
a. St. Charles
b. Illinois Avenue
c. Boardwalk
d. Marvin Gardens

This makes me wish I played Monopoly more!! What a good game!
1-D 2-C 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-C 8-A 9-A 10-B 11-B 12-C 13-B 14-B 15-C 16-B 17-B 18-D 19-D 20-C
-Mary S
That's it! Next time we hang out, it's a monopoly marathon!!
Ok, I have to say that I can count on one hand how many times I've played Monopoly and I think my answers will reflect that.
Joe Mc
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