"Sect boys may have been abused" I guess forcing the underage girls into marriage and motherhood wasn't enough. One of the lucky teens just gave birth today.
"Sex offenders living at child care facilities, audit says" California cross-referenced the addresses of 75,000 licensed childcare and foster homes and found that the addresses of 49 sex offenders matched those of child care facilities.
"Baby found in house riddled with filth" This house had decay, waste, biohazards and no running water. Used condoms were found on the floor and there was a toilet filled with feces (yes I did chuckle when I read feces, so it's okay if you did). The baby was almost a year old.
"Crying 4-year-old found along highway" A 4-year-old was looking for his dog. No adults realized he was gone until a cop knocked on the door to say "Hey, we found your toddler on the interstate."
And then there's this guy:

Josef Fritzl of Austria (doesn't he kind of look like Donald Sutherland's ugly brother?) started abusing his daughter when she was 11. When she was 18 he lured her into the basement, drugged and handcuffed her and made her write a note to her mother saying she ran away. He kept her there as a sex slave for TWENTY FOUR YEARS. He fathered 7 children of hers, 3 of which were kept captive with her. 1 died and he burned the body in the furnace. 3 others were raised by him and his wife. He only got caught because their 18 year old son, who had never been out of the basement, got so ill he had to take him to the hospital, where the doctors discovered the truth. Messed up.
Then I went over to IBNLive to watch a 500 year old tradition of tossing babies off of a roof to a sheet 50 feet below. Crazy. You can watch it HERE.
So I was feeling pretty lucky and just wanted to say thanks Mom and Dad.
After the depressing stuff in this post, I suggest watching Boom dee odda again. It makes you feel better.
I like to think that creepy guy looks a little like Jim Carey as "The Grinch".
And yea, there are some really sick people out there today!
Janna, you are totally right. He does look a lot like Jim Carey as the Grinch! It's those eyebrows...
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